In what ways am I considering the role of racialized experiences in my research?
What work have I done to better understand systems of oppression and how they impact clinical psychological science? How do I describe race or other identity factors in relation to psychopathology?
How am I operationalizing identity factors in relation to psychopathology (e.g. am I being attentive to biological versus social constructions)?
In what ways am I being attentive to oppressive factors that might disproportionately align individuals from diverse backgrounds with certain psychopathologies?
In what ways am I consulting relevant literature from stakeholders and diversity science experts to mitigate bias in interpretation and discussion of results?
How representative are my research samples? If my research samples are not representative of the population that I am studying, how may I expand my recruitment efforts to obtain a more representative sample?
When conducting research focused on BIPOC samples, in what ways am I including BIPOC collaborators with expertise in my area of interest?
In what ways am I critical of my citation practices? In what ways am I intentionally citing BIPOC authors with expertise in my area?
As a reviewer or editor, have I consulted relevant literature from stakeholders and diversity science experts to try and reduce bias in reviewing?
Do my syllabi include readings by Black scholars?
Are the examples I use in class culturally appropriate for students of color?
Am I encouraging Black students to speak up in class on issues other than race?
Am I committed to confronting racism in the classroom - including pointing out microaggressions by students, including those directed towards Black students?
Are Black faculty disproportionately assigned to teach multicultural classes, regardless of interest, or asked to devote service to diversity-related issues?
Does my department place specific focus on recruiting and retaining Black faculty and students? If not, which colleagues could I contact to discuss their success in this area?
What strategies am I using to recruit people from underrepresented backgrounds as research assistants, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows?
Am I encouraging Black mentees to explore career options in psychology and providing them supportive mentorship geared towards applying for graduate school, research positions, or clinical careers?
Am I providing opportunities for Black mentees to meet and network with my colleagues?
Am I actively encouraging Black students to submit their research to conferences or publish in scholarly journals?
Am I providing opportunities for Black students to be involved in manuscript writing and other professional development activities that will help elevate their career?
Am I checking in with my Black students and mentees and offering them extra space or even time off? If my students or mentees choose to participate in protests, am I offering support?
What are ways I may encourage my supervisees to take a multicultural perspective in case conceptualization and treatment?
Am I comfortable discussing issues related to race with my supervisees, including racial differences between therapists and clients as well as between supervisors and supervisees?
Am I making a concerted effort to seek out consultation, peer-support, and self-reflection when I, or my supervisees, are overwhelmed or confused about how to navigate multicultural issues?
When using an EBP or psychological test with Black clients, have I taken the time to examine the evidence base? If there is little or no research about the topic, how will I incorporate a multicultural, anti-racist view in use of the EBP or test administration/interpretation?
Am I pathologizing Black clients’ experiences?
Am I labeling and discussing the role of white privilege in mental health?
Am I adequately providing my patients with extra space to process, grieve, and express their thoughts and emotions related to racism?
When patients discuss issues related to race or racism, am I showing them that I am interested in what they have to say and how these experiences have impacted them?