The goal of the EPT Clearinghouse is to develop a crowd-sourced site for free resources (e.g., videos, worksheets, manuals) for therapists, educators, and students who want to learn how to implement evidence-based practice elements.
The clearinghouse is available at the following site:
We invite you to search for or submit resources that pertain to one or more of the following elements of therapeutic interventions:
● Exposure Therapy
● Behavioral activation
● Contingency management
● Cognitive restructuring
● Motivational strategies
● Acceptance/mindfulness/meditation
● Therapeutic relationship (empathy/alliance/validation/positive regard)
● Social skills training (interpersonal effectiveness/assertion training/communication)
● Emotion awareness/regulation training
● Relaxation
● Values work
● Risk management
You can submit diverse resources - video clips of therapeutic techniques, client worksheets, manuals for evidence-based treatments, etc. The resources should be: a) free and publicly available, b) brief, and c) based on empirical study. Our goal is to provide easy-to-digest resources that are based on the best-available scientific evidence.
As a service based on the OSF framework, your uploads are expected to comply with the OSF terms of service, which include a promise that the content you are uploading is not infringing the intellectual property rights of any third party.While each case must be considered in context, when material is being used for teaching (rather than commercial activity), is already published, and you’re posting a relatively small quantity of a larger work (e.g., a chapter vs. a whole book) so that posting the material doesn’t replace sale of copyrighted work, it is more likely to be permissible to post the material. See Fair Use Checklist
To submit a resource, please send an email to with a subject providing a brief description and attach the document to the email. Each document must be submitted in a separate email.
Once a document has been uploaded to the website, you can “tag” resources with relevant search terms, which will help us organize content. For example, a video of a clinician completing a public speaking exposure exercise with a client could be tagged as “exposure,” “social anxiety,” among others!
Steering CommitteeThe EPT clearinghouse is developed as a collaboration among the Society for a Science in Clinical Psychology, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science, Division 12 of the American Psychological Association, and the Coalition for the Advancement and Application of Psychological Science. Committee Members (in alphabetical order): Steven Hollon Doug Mennin Allison E. Meyer Erin E. Reilly David A. Sbarra David Smith Bethany Teachman And contributions from Jon Abramowitz and Mitch Prinstein |